You don't NEED a proper baker's peel to slide your bread into the oven, there are loads of things you can use, but it is nice to have one.
Bread Tip 80 - Sourdough: Fermentation = ACCELERATION
Bread Tip 79 - How to CLEAN your Bread Linen
Bread Tip 78 - What's the COST of a Homemade Loaf?
Bread Tip 77 - Bread is at it's BEST, after you've let it REST!
Sorry for the MASSIVE DOWNER. This is one that nobody like to hear, but it's true. Before your bread has rested up and cooled, it'll still be quite doughy when you eat it. If you can resist it, let your loaf cool fully before tucking in. It's SO worth the wait, and only then will it show you what it's truly made of!