Fun to shape and quick to bake, two more stunning breads
Ready for two more?
Hello Homebaker!
Recently in the club we’ve been making BIG LOAVES haven’t we; sourdoughs, bloomers and things of that nature, so this month I thought it would be nice to take a sidestep from those and make something that we can really get creative with, and get some good shaping practice along the way…
Enjoy these new recipes and the videos that go with them, and I’ll see you in class 😊
Black Olive Fougasse
In class we’ve been making these crispy, chewy fougasse forever. It’s always fun to see the unique designs you come up with and actually, so long as you follow a few simple rules you can really make these your own without going far wrong. It’s a fun one to stone bake if you’re a beginner in that area, and also works baked on a tray too if you’re not there yet. A fougasse is a stunning bread in your basket, one that looks far more complicated than it actually is (don’t tell!)
Rosemary, Raisin and Sea Salt Rolls
These little lemon shaped rolls are one of my favourite shapes and you’ll get plenty of practice with this recipe. You’ll make a quick pre-ferment a day ahead to develop tons of flavour overnight ready to incorporate into your final dough. This flavour combination is one I can never get enough of and can’t believe it hasn’t made it’s way into the club until now. It might sound a little strange at first, but rosemary and raisin works so well together in these little split top crusty rolls. Perfect for cheese.
And in the “with bread” section
Two yummy dishes to serve with your bread, a slow roasted shallot camembert for dipping, and ensuring none of your fougasse goes to waste, a charred broccoli, powerful yoghurt and feta salad with crispy olive fougasse shards.